The corporate world toss aside global warming and dismiss it as a reason behind proposed emission regulations by the US government.

Image: Clima-IV


Foreseeable negative reaction from the corporate world to EPA’s proposed emission regulations for the power generating industry. See responses in blue italics to their 10 reasons for denying the ‘alleged’ global warming.

1. The Earth hasn't warmed since the Clinton Administration;
- True, but for the first time, carbon levels exceeded 400 ppm for an entire month, in April

2. New global warming laws and regulations harm people, especially those with lower incomes and minorities.
- But the laws will improve their health since polluting facilities are usually located in those communities.

3. Energy-related carbon emissions in the US fell 12.6% from 2005-2012, while worldwide emissions rose 17.7%.
- True! but our emissions are still way too high, and are rising again as of 2013. Either way, it's no excuse for the US to sit back and relax.

4. The climate models upon which President Obama's belief in human-caused catastrophic global warming is based do not work - since 1979, over 96% of climate models predicted more warming by now than has taken place.
- But scientists are horrified by how quickly changes are proceeding; if anything, they have been too conservative in their predictions

5. Claims that 97% of scientists endorse the global warming "theory" are propaganda.
- Completely false.

6. The IPCC is a political, not scientific, body.

7.  As temperature predictions haven't come true, Global warming activists desperately started blaming climate change for hurricanes, tornadoes and even cold weather 
- We blame the onslaught of extreme weather events, ocean acidity etc.

8. Current sea ice levels prove nothing. While arctic sea ice levels are below average, Antarctic sea ice levels are above average, as are global sea ice levels. 
- Below average in the Arctic?! Try getting close to being ice-free; I guess they missed the news on Antarctica, sliding into the sea

9.While claiming global warming is a crisis, environmental groups paradoxically oppose the major energy sources that can reduce carbon emissions, such as nuclear, hydropower and fracking
- That's right, we prefer renewable energy that's clean and safe, why don't you?

10. After the Clinton-Gore Administration signed Kyoto, they didn't present it to the Senate for ratification and after the Democrat-led House of Representatives passed cap-and-trade legislation in 2009, it didn't come up for a vote in the Senate - they act as if they don't believe it themselves.
-Kyoto didn't have a chance of being ratified with the Republican majority, which filibustered the vote on cap-and-trade.

Comment by the Blog’s Editor:  the truth is that both sides have some reason in some cases, but neither have 100% of the truth. Humanity must learn to talk honestly if it wants to solve the problems that afflict them, instead of shielding themselves with  tricks that lead nowhere. Jorge Casale.
