The oil and gas industry is trying to bend the US Congress’ hand to allow them to drill even in national parks.
Image: Everglades National Park - kids.nationalgeographic.com.
OIL INDUSTRY & HUNTER GROUPS: PERFECT TOGETHER? (from an article by SustainableBusiness.com News, April 29, 2014)
From time to time, we hear about moves to transfer federal public lands to the states, but now the oil and gas industry is making  some unusual donations: $1 million from a large Texas oil company to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other large amounts to conservative hunters groups like Safari Club International and Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (which has direct access to members of Congress).
Contributions from the fossil fuel industry now comprise almost 30% of National Rifle A'ssociation’s corporate giving program, reports the Center for American Progress (CAP) in their report: Oil and Gas Industry Investments in the National Rifle Association and Safari Club International Reshaping American Energy, Land, and Wildlife Policy.
It's not about support for guns, it's about enrolling those organizations in the idea that oil and gas companies should be able to drill even in wildlife sanctuaries.  
Endangered species and wildlife are not safe where there's oil or gas around. But more than disrupting what's left of the natural world, they want to own it. Their goal is to privatize public lands - - including our national parks.
One of the industry's targets is the Everglades, where there may be oil and gas under two wildlife refuges. Residents living nearby received a surprise notice last year advising them on how to evacuate should there be a gas leak or explosion at a drilling site less than a mile from the refuge. These exploratory wells have a history of leaking.
