DATA ON THE ORGANIC SECTOR IN ARGENTINA (from an article in Organic-Market.Info Online Magazine ; May 22, 2014)

Senasa (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria – the Argentinian National Service for Health and Food Quality) has published information on organic agriculture for 2013 (in Spanish). Some of the major findings include:

The main destinations for organic products from Argentina are the USA and the EU. Exports to the USA increased by 22%. Total exports of organics grew by 6%, mainly due to organic fruit. Exports of processed organics fell by 20%. Exports of animal products increased by 6%, mainly because of organic wool. Domestic consumption still plays a minor role in Argentina.

Land dedicated to animal production decreased from about 3.3 million hectares to about 3 million hectares. Theharvested organic area amounted to over 65,000 hectares in 2013, up from close to 60,000 hectares in 2012. Production units decreased by 10%. More information (in Spanish): here.

Source: Senasa
