TRABAJADORES ORGÁNICOS DEL PERÚ POR LA SOBERANÍA ALIMENTARIA  (teleSur, Jun. 17, 2015, citado por, Boletines, Jun.17, 20125 )

12,000 agricultores orgánicos del Perú luchan por sobrevivir y promueven su propia forma de desarrollar las fuentes de alimentos.
En su agenda de la conferencia del martes, la Asociación Nacional de Productores Ecológicos subraya la demanda al gobierno Peruano por políticas que prioricen la seguridad alimentaria.
La asociación agrupa a 172 organizaciones con más de 12.000 pequeños productores y promueve un modelo agrícola alternativo que incluye técnicas libres de pesticidas, armoniosas con el ambiente e independientes de insumos externos. La organización cree que esos métodos conducirán a la preservación de los recursos naturales del Perú y a una vida más saludable para los ciudadanos.
La Vice Presidente de la organización, Naida Quispe Farfán, declaró que ello conducirá a  “ser capaces de decidir los productos que tenemos, lo que podemos producir, cuánto va para qué usos, y cuánto va a un sitio en particular. Algunos van a exportación y el resto al consumo nacional, por lo que aprenderemos a priorizar nosotros mismos “.
La conferencia también habló de tomar en cuenta a los hijos de los productores expandiendo programas que los involucren.

This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address: If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article.

PERU'S ORGANIC WORKERS CALL FOR FOOD SOVEREIGNTY  (teleSur, Jun. 17, 2015, cited by, Boletines, Jun.17, 20125, )
12,000 Peruvian organic farmers are struggling to survive and promote their way of developing sources of food.
Demands for Peruvian government policy that prioritizes food security and sovereignty were high on the agenda Tuesday at the National Association of Ecological Producers conference.
The National Association of Ecological Producers groups 172 local organizations and more than 12,000 small farmers. It promotes an alternative agricultural model that includes techniques free of pesticides, harmonious with the environment and independent of foreign inputs. The organisation believes that such methods will lead to the preservation of the Peruvian natural resources and to a healthy life for citizens.
Vice President of the organization Naida Quispe Farfán stated that it means, “to be able to decide out of the products we have what can we produce, what amount goes for certain use, and how much goes to a particular place. Some goes on exports, the rest on national consumption. Therefore, we learn to prioritize for ourselves.
The conference also touched on reaching out to the children of farmers by expanding programs to get them involved.

This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address: If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article.
