SOLAR REACHES 100 GW THRESHOLD WORLDWIDE, WIND GROWS 20% ( News []; Feb.25, 2013; Feb.2, 2013)

For the first time, solar passed the 100 gigawatt (GW) threshold of capacity worldwide, with a third of that installed last year, and another third in 2011. Solar plants generate as much electricity as about 16 mid-sized nuclear plants, according to the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA).

Last year's growth was driven by China, US and Japan. - Europe is still the biggest market by far, led by Germany, with a total of 32GW and Italy (16GW). 

Wind energy industry grew 20% last year and supplies 7% of the EU's electricity

While many EU countries are falling behind their renewable energy targets, Germany is seen as a safe haven for wind, which could grow by 43% in 2013.

Wind supplies 6% of US electricity, 28% of Denmark's electricity (40% comes from renewable energy). -
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