RIGHT TO KNOW: FIRST VICTORY After years of fighting back big corporations’s efforts to deny citizens the right-to-know what food they put in their plates, a first victory is scored by an estate in the US. This victory is of the utmost importance not only for those that rightly or wrongly oppose GM, but mainly for the defense of democratic principles and food sovereignity in the whole world. VICTORY! VERMONT FIRST STATE TO FORCE GMO LABELS (from an article by News, Apr.28, 2014) Vermont's governor has signed the nation's first law to require GMO labels on foods , after the Senate voted 26-2 in favor and the House, 107-37. Bill H.112 requires all food sold in Vermont stores containing GMOs to be labeled by July 2016. It also makes it illegal for any food with GMOs to be labeled "natural" or "words of similar import that would have a tendency to mislead a consumer." The law states that ...