Textile dying produces one of the largest industrial environmental impacts due to its enormous use of water and chemicals. The present process, based on supercompressed carbon dioxyde, eliminates the need of water and chemicals, drastically diminishings such an impact. Read more …

NIKE MOVES TO REVOLUTIONARY WATER-FREE, CHEMICAL-FREE DYEING (from an article in SustainableBusiness.com News; dec. 16, 2013)
Nike and Adidas are beginning to use what they call a "revolutionary technology" for the textile industry - a carbon-based process that dyes polyester without the use of water or chemicals.
Here's how it works. Carbon dioxide is put under extreme pressure, which temporarily turns it into a liquid that subsitute for water in dyeing textiles. As it cools, the carbon turns back to a gaseous state, where 95% of it can be recycled and used again.
Founded in 2008, Netherlands-based based DyeCoo is the world's first supplier of industrial carbon-dyeing equipment. The process was invented some 25 years ago, but DyeCoo figured out how to make it cost-effectively. Introduced to the market the year, it only dyes polyester; DyeCoo is working on expanding it to cotton and other materials.

Without the use of water, fabrics don't have to be dried - and that saves 60% of energy. They also dye 40% faster.  And there's no need to add chemicals to get the dye to adhere to clothes, as is necessary when water is the medium.
Conventional textile dyeing is extremely water and chemical-intensive: for every two pounds of textiles dyed, 25-40 gallons of water are used. Nike's contracted textile plants consume about 3 billion gallons of water a year to process polyester and cotton for its products, and Nike itself uses another 325 million gallons.
A couple of years ago, after criticism from Greenpeace, Nike announced it would eliminate hazardous chemicals from its global supply chain by 2020.  

As the biggest apparel-maker in the world, Nike is among the few corporate leaders that are truly committed to sustainability. Its Environmental Apparel Design Tool is the basis for The Higg Index, which is helping clothing and shoe retailers assess and improve on the environmental impact of brands they sell.
