AGAINST THE EU REG THAT PREVENTS FARMERS SELL THEIR OWN SEEDS. (from an article sent by / Red / Agencias, 21/01/2014)

Official representatives, NGOs, associations related to the Food Sovereignity movement, ecology organizations and seed networks of Spain and other EU countries met in Madrid in a Seminar to debate the new regulation on seeds that the European Commission intends to set.  

The proposal presented by the EC goes in the same direction as the policy of domination of production and commercialization of plant reproductive materials, within a context of control, certification, sanitation and registration linked to industrial production, burocratization and dislodgement not favorable to the agroecologic production systems, agricultural biodiversity and the right of farmers to sell their own seeds

The organizations that met in Madrid believe that the artisany microenterprises that produce and commercialize seeds of local varieties need regulations adapted to their activity, completely different from what the large seed companies do with productions that are not local but set kilometers away. They also say that rules are needed adapted to the registration of varieties for organic production and small farming.

The associations consider that farmers and consumers should have the chance to choose the foods they consume and the plants they cultivate. They request transparency in the selection methods used to generate the varieties and the intellectual property  to manage their use. This information should be clearly written in the labels.
