AGRICULTURA APROBÓ UN NUEVO STACK PARA MAÍZ  (Infocampo, Actualidad, Jul.27, 2012)

El ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación ratificó su compromiso con el desarrollo tecnológico del agro al aprobar un nuevo transgénico apilado para el maíz. Lo hizo mediante la Resolución 382/2012, por la cual se da luz verde a la producción y comercialización de la semilla y productos y subproductos del maíz que contiene los siguientes eventos: a) MON 89034, que contiene dos proteínas que le dan protección al cultivo frente a lepidópteros. b) DAS 01507. También conocido como Herculex, amplía la protección contra lepidópteros, como el caso del cogollero, al tiempo que le otorga resistencia al herbicida glufosinato de amonio. c) NK 6030, que otorga resistencia al herbicida glifosato.
Fuente: agriclipping []; Jul.27, 2012


 The Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries ratified its committment to technological development approving a new transgenic stack for corn. It issued Resolution 382/2012, griving the green light for production and marketing of seeds, products and byproducts of a corn variety containing the following events:
a) MON 89034 containg two proteins giving crops protection against lepidopters.
b) DAS 01507 also known as Herculex, widening protection against lepidopters, and, at the same time, gives resistance to the herbicide Ammonium gluphosinate.
c) NK 6030, adds resistance to glyphosate.
Source: agriclipping []; Jul.27, 2012
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LATIN AMERICAN EDITION OF THE SUSTAINABLE COSMETICS SUMMIT - Intercontinental São Paulo on 24-26th September 2012 (from an article in []; Jul.27, 2012)    
The first-ever Latin American edition of the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit will take place in São Paulo city on 24-26th September. Focal themes of the inaugural Latin American edition are biodiversity & ethical sourcing, sustainable ingredients and marketing best-practices.
Biodiversity and ethical sourcing are featured because of growing pressure on cosmetic and ingredient companies to adopt sustainability practices in the procurement of raw materials. The opening speaker discusses the implications of Rio +20 on sustainable agriculture and ingredient sourcing. Daniel Sabará from Beraca gives a case study on how sustainable sourcing can create positive social impacts. A Colombian company discusses the challenges of developing actives from rare plant species whilst sharing benefits with indigenous communities. Shea butter will be used as a case study by AAK to illustrate how sourcing programs can encourage sustainability in Africa. 
In an interactive workshop, Judi Beerling of Organic Monitor will examine the technical and formulation issues associated with using a palette of green ingredients. Other papers in the sustainable ingredients session cover green chemistry principles, sustainable fragrances, new extraction techniques for actives, and the problems in switching from petrochemical to plant feedstock.
The difficulties in marketing green cosmetics are discussed in the marketing best-practices session.
São Paulo was chosen as the location of the Latin American edition because of the growing importance of Brazil. As well as having the third largest cosmetics market in the world, the country is considered the most biologically diverse on the planet.
Organised by Organic Monitor, the aim of the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit is to encourage sustainability in the beauty industry by bringing together key stake-holders and debate major sustainability issues in a high-level forum. The Latin American edition will take place at Intercontinental São Paulo on 24-26th September 2012. More information is available from the website
Source: Press Release
