REGULACIONES EN ASIA Y ETIQUETADO DE ALIMENTOS MODIFICADOS GENÉTICAMENTE. (de un artículo Por Adrienna Zsakay, gerente regional del Asian Food Regulation Information Service, citado en []; Jul. 27, 2012)

 Las empresas que exportan a Asia necesitan estar revisando sus etiquetas. Aspectos claves se incluyen en la nueva Nutrition Labelling of Pre-packaged Food Regulation en China, la cual entra en vigor el 01 de enero de 2013. Por otra parte, India e Indonesia han adoptado nuevas normas de etiquetado para los alimentos genéticamente modificados.
En cuanto a India, la GSR 427 de la Legal Metrology /Packaged Commodities Amendment Rules emitida en Junio indica: “Cada paquete que contenga alimentos modificados genéticamente deberá llevar en su parte suprior las letras “GM” ‘.
Por su parte, en Indonesia la National Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) publicó su ‘Food Labeling Control of Genetically Modified Product’ y la ‘Guideline of Food Safety Assessment for Genetically Engineered Product’.
Estas dos regulaciones son significativas ya que el gobierno de Indonesia reconoce el crecimiento de los productos genéticamente modificados como parte del mantenimiento de la seguridad alimentaria. Por lo tanto, ha tomado medidas para garantizar que los consumidores conozcan y puedan tomar decisiones al tiempo que los alimentos genéticamente modificados se hacen más importantes.


REGULATIONS IN ASIA AND LABELING OF GM FOODS (from an article by Adrienna Zsakay, regional manager of Asian Food Regulation Information Service, cited in  []; Jul. 27, 2012)
 The companies that export to Asia need to revise their labels. Key aspects are included in the new Nutrition Labelling of Pre-packaged Food Regulation in China, beginning January 1st. 2013. On the other hand, India and Indonesia have adopted new GM foods labelling regulations.   
In India, the GSR 427 of the Legal Metrology /Packaged Commodities Amendment Rules isued in June, establishes that “Each package containing GM foods must carry in its upper part a sign with the letters GM”.
Regarding Indonesia, the National Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) published its ‘Food Labeling Control of Genetically Modified Product’ and the ‘Guideline of Food Safety Assessment for Genetically Engineered Product’.
These two regulations are quite meaningful since the Indonesian government recognizes the growth of genetically modified products as part of the maintenance of food security. Therefore, they have taken measures to guarantee that consumers know and can make decisions at a time in which GM foods become more important.
